The popularity of the POS machine has been growing in recent years. For the consumer, this is because it is convenient for the user to get what they need without worrying about cash at hand. Of course, this means they don’t spend what could turn out to be hours at the ATM trying to make a withdrawal to avoid being stranded. And to top the list, it reduces the risk of being robbed because they have too much cash at hand trying not to get stranded.
The pros are similar for the seller, who is also exposed to the risk of being robbed, because of having too much cash at hand. More customers are getting used to the idea of paying with their cards. And it can be discouraging for them to come to your store and realise they don’t have the option of paying with their card. For your business, the speed of your cash flow is as necessary as the cash flow itself. Your money should be money when it needs to be and assets when it should be.
So how do I do that?
It’s simple. What you need is the POS from Redbiller. With this, payment is faster and more convenient. You also don’t have to keep bulk cash at hand. Customers can pay directly into your account. Here are a few things you get when you choose the POS from Redbiller for your business.
No restriction — there is no minimum or a maximum number of transactions you’re required to do per day. It is a big deal as it takes the pressure off you. You can make as few and as many daily transactions as you want to.
Ownership — the POS belongs to you. You are free to put in a SIM card of your choice. You can change the SIM card or network provider at will.
Flexible relocation — If relocating your business, you only need written approval from Redbiller to enable you to use your POS in the new location. After which, you can pack your bags and leave.
Transaction Reports — you can monitor every transaction made on your POS from your account or email. This way, you don’t miss anything, and no one can play a fast one on you when there is a report to fall back on.
Instant notification — even with the transaction report you still get notified of every transaction instantly.
And the charges?
You can find out about pricing on our product page — You can even use our calculator to confirm your charge per transaction and see how much you’ll be charged on every transaction you make!
Here at Redbiller, we are focused on you, the customer. We are all about your business and its growth. We are committed to what makes you comfortable and what gives room for growth. All our business practices are tailored to this — providing you and your business with the best and most exciting features.
Who can use the POS?
The POS from Redbiller is suitable for businesses of all types as long as it is a registered business. So, whether you’re a retailer, a wholesaler, you run a money withdrawal and deposit venture, you can transact on your terms.
How to get the POS?
Create a free account at to place your order, and it will be delivered to you anywhere you are in Nigeria. We are committed to making life easy for you.