A Year in Review -It’s our 1st Billerversary🎉

3 min readJul 13, 2022


On the 24th of May, we clocked a year as Redbiller, and part of what we did was to take a step back and look at the events and results we have recorded in the last year as a company. Today, I have decided to share with you some of the things that stood out to us. I am sure that this will encourage you to trust us more as a provider.


Workforce is the baby of our passion. It was born out of the desire to provide businesses with more tools to effectively manage their time. And because we are equally passionate about data privacy and security, Workforce was developed to help businesses give controlled access to their employees without compromising key account information.

Workforce allows your staff to collaborate, process transactions on behalf of the business and offer support to customers. It also allows you to keep track of all financial transactions from your dashboard.

We started working on Workforce last year and finally launched in March of this year. Even after the launch, we have made updates to ensure a better user experience. Learn more — Introducing Workforce

If you haven’t started using Workforce, click here to get started — Workforce by Redbiller

A bigger team

In the last one year, our team did not just grow bigger; we doubled. And this is in a bid to provide improved services for you. A bigger team means we are growing as a company because we need more hands as we grow.

The support team grew, the sales teams also had new members, and the product team was not left behind. Thank you for choosing us and making this growth possible.

A better experience

To ensure that you continue to have a great experience on Redbiller, we released several features to combat some issues. And if you have explored these features, you will agree that they are indeed helpful and customer-centred.

The AVS feature was released to tackle downtime and ensure the smooth running of your business. To eliminate double pay or double debit, we released the CLS feature which was eventually updated to ACLS. The ACLS retries all pending transactions and reports the status until they are completed.

Also, the newly released analytics tool gives you hands-on information on all transactions on your account. With this feature, you will see the success rate of all your transactions within the time frame you desire. You can also filter the result by services, date and time.

New lessons

The ups and downs of the last year have taught us many lessons. However, I will share with you this particular one that we hold dear: keep going and keep growing.

The end of growth is the end of life, and when you stop going, you stop growing. This is also true of business. Challenges will come -government policies, market instability, inflation, exchange rate, new trends, and strong competition, but through it, keep going!

Keep working to get better, improve your strategies, redefine your objectives, never be afraid to take a growth opportunity, and never turn down a growth opportunity.

We hope you find this helpful, and once again, thank you for choosing Redbiller.




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